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Denver, CO POlice Retirement Peer Support Team Training

MAy 2024

Presented the Retirement Peer Support Suicide Awareness seminar for the Denver Police Department Retirement Peer Support Team. Training included providing peer members with the knowledge associated with suicide risk factors of law enforcement retirees. 



Quell Foundation First Responder Resiliency Project

2023 - PRESENT

Developing mental health training modules to bring awareness of Trauma in First Responder

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Lynn University and The Quell Foundation


Crisis Resilience and First Responder Trauma Training Advisory Council (CRAFT-AC) project, working directly with the Quell Foundation and Lynn University's Clinical Mental Health program to provide guidance on identified needs in the first responder community.

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Law Enforcement Suicide Psychological Autopsies


Certified Investigator performing Suicide Psychological Autopsies of police officer cases who have died by suicide. Determining why, why those means, and why that day?

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Instructor - Cook County Sheriff's Academy

2009 - 2012

Lead instruction of Human Behavior classes at the Cook County Sheriff’s Academy for police
recruits to prepare them for the state exam. Class instruction covered areas in Mental Health and Suicide, Interpersonal skills in Corrections, Autism, Ethics, Professionalism, and Cultural Diversity.

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Cook County Regional Organized Crime - Task Force (CCROC) Conference


Speaker at the CCROC conference and presented, Trauma and Suicide in the Public Safety Sector.

Trauma and suicide as it relates to Law Enforcement agencies and the private sector companies.

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Miami Beach Police Department Peer - Support Suicide Awareness

JULY 2023

Present on Suicide signs and symptoms, suicide psychological autopsy case, and proactive approach to officers in crisis at risk for suicide.

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Cicero Police Department - Trauma and Suicide

2020 - PRESENT

Developed and taught a Mental Health Trauma and Suicide Psychoeducation Training Curriculum for police recruits with the Cicero Police Department.

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Illinois Law Enforcement Training and Standards Board - Certified Instructor

2009 - PRESENT

Board-certified for instruction in areas that include: Mental Health and Suicide, Interpersonal Skills in Corrections, Autism, Ethics, Professionalism, and Cultural Diversity.

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Deer Rehabilitation

2009 - 2011

Provide Psychoeducation classes for court-mandated offenders of Domestic Violence and Anger Management. Led court-mandated remedial education classes for individuals charged with DUIs. Assist with psychotherapy for marital, individual, anger management, and family counseling. Host the Re-entry program for training convicted felons on the skills they need for job interview skills.

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